아포라벤처스, 한국 벤처기업 '독일 유럽 진출 돕는 프로젝트 시행'
아포라벤처스, 한국 벤처기업 '독일 유럽 진출 돕는 프로젝트 시행'
  • 김정현 기자
  • 승인 2015.05.21 23:17
  • 댓글 0
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아포라 벤처스가 독일 베를린 및 기타 유럽국가에서 사업을 런칭하고자 하는 한국 기업들에게 창업진흥원 자금지원으로 관련 프로그램을 실시한다.

엑셀러레이트 코리아-베를린 (Accelerate Korea-Berlin)은 2015년 독일 베를린 및 기타 유럽 국가에서 사업을 런칭, 확장하고자 하는 한국 신생 기업을 위한 4단계 추진 프로그램(Four Stage Acceleration Program)이다.

이를 통해 한국 기업들은 국내에서 글로벌 역량을 키우기 위한 지식과 경험을 쌓고 이후 독일에서 포괄적인 해외 몰입 프로그램(Overseas Immersion Program)에 참가하게 된다. 엑셀러레이트 코리아-베를린 (Accelerate Korea-Berlin)은 암스테르담에 본부를 둔 초기 투자 기업인 아포라 벤처스(Apora Ventures)의 주최로 진행되며 창업진흥원을 통해 100퍼센트 한국 정부의 자금 지원을 받는다.

한국 기업에 한해 4개월에 걸쳐 진행되는 프로그램 중 3개월은 유럽 내 기술 및 혁신의 거점인 베를린에서 진행된다

베를린은 기술 부문에 매년 수십억 달러가 투입되는 유럽 벤처 캐피탈 (Europe’s Venture Capital) 커뮤니티의 주요 중심지이며, 유럽 신생 기업들을 유치하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 유럽의 유명 테크놀로지 및 기업이 본거지를 두고 있다.

아포라 벤처스의 매니징 파트너인 알리나(Alina Gratschner)는 “빠르게 변화하고 있는 세상에서 세계화(globalization)와 인터넷을 이해하고 이를 이용해 기회를 잡을 준비가 되어 있는 기업인과 협력하고 싶다”고 밝혔다. 또,“아포라 벤처스는 신생 기업과 글로벌 기회를 연결하는 가교 역할을 오랫동안 수행해 왔으며 자사의 수많은 성공 사례가 아포라 벤처스 스타트업 프로그램 및 글로벌 네트워크의 가치를 증명하고 있다”고 덧붙였다.

Apora Ventures Launches ‘Accelerate Korea – Berlin,’ With Full Program Subsidies provided By KISED (Application Deadline 24 May 2015)

Accelerate Korea – Berlin is a new Four Stage Acceleration Program for Korean startups wanting to launch or expand in Berlin, Germany or Europe 2015. It equips Korean startups with the knowledge and experience for global pre-incubation in Korea, followed by a full stack 3 month overseas immersion program in Berlin. Accelerate Korea - Berlin will be hosted by Apora Ventures, an early-stage-investment firm headquartered in Amsterdam, with full funding provided by the Korean government through KISED.

The 4 month program includes a three month stint in Berlin, which is widely recognized as one of the key hotspots for technology and innovation in Europe. As well as attracting many of Europe’s most successful startups, Berlin is home to some of Europe’s most prestigious technology and manufacturing brands. Exposure to the ecosystem will present participating teams with unparalleled opportunities for lucrative partnerships and knowledge sharing. Berlin is also a key center for Europe’s Venture Capital community with billions of dollars deployed annually within the technology sector, giving Korean startups additional impetus to participate.

“In our fast changing world, we want to work with entrepreneurs that understand globalization, the internet and are ready to seize the opportunities that these bring,” explained Alina Gratschner, an Apora Ventures’ Managing Partner. “Apora Ventures has a long standing history of bridging startups to global opportunities and our many success cases prove the value of the Apora Ventures startup programs and global networks,” she added. Apora Ventures supports innovative, early-stage tech startups from its base in the Netherlands. It boasts a global network of mentors and support services across the world, with Google, Amazon, and many other industry key leaders as official partners.

Apora Ventures is now offering these valuable resources for the benefit of Korean startups and to-be startups seeking their next big move beyond the Korean market.

About the program

Accelerate Korea – Berlin, is a specialized Cross-border Incubator & Accelerator Program designed to significantly increase the chances of a Korean Startup’s success in Berlin, Germany. While the program will focus on Berlin, the experience will equip startups with the tools and global networks to succeed in any market beyond Korea.

Although Korean entrepreneurs have demonstrated that they are serious about building sustainable global businesses over the past few years, there is still a lack of local, globally experienced entrepreneurs to guide founders in the global arena. Accelerate Korea – Berlin is organized and run by experienced Transnational Entrepreneurs, and all mentors and advisors have been carefully selected for their unique skills and experience as global serial entrepreneurs.

The first program, for Korean Citizens Only, is being hosted from 1 June 2015. It will prepare Korean Startups in Korea to enter the German Market, while equipping them with the knowledge and resources to break into any global market in the future.

What’s included

Accelerate Korea – Berlin presents an incredible opportunity for startups to benefit from international business acceleration at no cost. All travel and accommodation will be covered for five Korean startup teams, including the founder and one key member of staff. Additionally, fees for all Educational sessions, Workshops, Mentorship, and access to privileged industry networks, including Investors will be waived.

The program will begin with a one month pre-incubation period in Seoul, where teams will learn about the German market and gain the skills required to hit the ground running once arriving in Berlin. Pre-incubation will be followed by a three month immersion program in Berlin, Germany.

In the past, similar overseas programs have lacked support once startups graduate from the program to either remain in Germany or after they arrive back in Korea, where the real work of driving business value from the experience actually begins. With this in mind, the value of this Overseas Acceleration Program will be maximized through an ‘Alumni Support Program’ for returning Program Graduates or those wishing to remain in Berlin. The program includes follow-up sessions with mentors met overseas, additional support in building on their experiences, and following up on objectives made during the Program.

Apply here for Accelerate Korea - Berlin

Applications for Accelerate Korea – Berlin are now open, with the final deadline for applications looming. All applications must be received by May 24th. Apply here. Although everyone is judged according to the same criteria, the chances of getting more votes greatly improves the sooner the application is received

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